763 - 424 - 6257 mpy@turtleislandcom.com

About Us

Madonna Peltier - Yawakie
Madonna Peltier - Yawakie


Mel Yawakie
Mel Yawakie

Vice President


Turtle Island Communications, Inc. (TICOM) was established in 2001 to provide engineering and technical consulting services to tribes, Tribal Corporations, state and federal agencies that seek to improve telecommunication services to Indian Country.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to develop and enhance Indian Country’s broadband infrastructure and provide value-added services that are essential to stimulate economic growth and small business entrepreneurship.  These services will enable sustainable tribal economic growth and provide cost effective broadband services within tribal communities. Our goal is to work in partnership with individual tribes to bring about long-term sustainable economic benefits.


TICOM has provided Planning, Engineering, Construction and Project Management for the following Projects:

  • The first 100% tribally owned Fiber to the Home Network which provided 1 gigabit capacity to all residents and businesess within its tribal lands.
  • The first 100% tribally owned Commercial Wireless System in the Nation.
  • Provided engineering and technical consulting services to three tribal owned telecommunication companies to support their Eligible Telecommunication Carrier (ETC) Designation from the Federal Communication Commission.


Contact Us

10 + 2 =


Providing Innovative Turnkey Communication Solutions


2513 94th Avenue North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55444
Phone: (763) 424 - 6257